All Songs 714

Song Title Also known as Author
A debtor to mercy alone Augustus M Toplady
A King on high is reigning G le Maire Barnes
A mighty fortress is our God Our God stands like a fortress rock Martin Luther
A sovereign protector I have Augustus M Toplady
Abba father let me be Yours and yours alone Dave Bilbrough
Abide with me Henry Francis Lyte
Above all powers Like a rose Paul Baloche
Above the voices of the world Timothy Dudley Smith
Alas! and did my Saviour bleed Isaac Watts
All around Your throne Sue Rinaldi
All creatures of our God and King O praise Him R Vaughan Williams
All hail King Jesus Kent Henry
All hail the Lamb Dave Bilbrough
All hail the power of Jesus name Edward Perronet; John Rippon
All heaven declares Forever He will be Noel and Tricia Richards