You’re the shepherd, we’re the sheep
Sheet Music
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1. You’re the shepherd, we’re the sheep
You won’t slumber, though we sleep
Oh what love our saviour shows
To the little ones he knows.
2. We are guilty, You are good
We fell short, but You withstood
For Your father’s holy name
You endured and overcame.
3. We were helpless in our sin
You forgave and took us in
Though our hearts still turn from
You Yet with patience You pursue.
4. You’re the teacher, we are taught
By Your precious blood we’re bought
You’re the healer we are healed
By Your cross our hope is sealed.
5. We’re forgiven by Your blood
Orphans called as sons of God
Brought from darkness into light
Washed in red and clothed in white
6. Yours the triumph, Yours the throne
Praise and glory, Yours alone
Tongues of angels, songs of men
Let the heav’ns resound again