Through all life's sorrows and despairs Where, O Grave, is Your Victory?
Lyrics Preview Through all life's sorrows and despairs, I will not be moved. When facing death, I need not fear - I have this hope secured: Because Christ died at Calvary, sin has on me no claim. Because He overcame the grave, with Him I will be raised. Where, O grave is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? Eternity is won for me by heaven's eternal King. On that glorious final day, I will not sleep or fade, but gazing on His nail-pierced hands, I'll instantly be changed. Robed with immortality, before His throne we'll sing, at last reflecting perfectly the glory of our King.

Author: Ben Slee
Reference: 1 Corinthians 15;
Copyright: © Christ Church Mayfair 2015